
12 Futuristic Technological Marvels That You Need To Own

3. Petcube bites Pet Camera and Treat Dispenser
Feeling guilty that your Samsung robot monster vacuum cleaner is spooking the dog? Or just want to stalk Rex? The Petcube bites pet camera and treat dispenser is the answer. It comes with an HD camera so you can check up on your dog while you’re away and even fling treats at them! A new one costs just a little more than $200, so it’s definitely worth the investment.

4. Playstation VR Virtual Reality Headset
The idea of a virtually reality headset isn’t necessarily new, but until recently the whole VR experience was kind of lame. But Sony is changing all of that. Their Playstation VR is compatible with the PS4, creating a totally immersive 360 degree experience in which you feel like you’re in the game. The audio features are pretty amazing too, giving you the impression that you are hearing sounds from various distances. Plus you would sort of look like those Daft Punk guys. So another bonus.